Following lessons identified from the urban search and rescue response to the Padang earthquake (2009) and the Haiti earthquake (2010), INSARAG has discussed to establish a technical working group looking into operational sides of coordinating urban search and rescue. In the INSARAG Steering Group Meeting, June 2010 , it was decided that an INSARAG working group should be established to further develop these aspects based on the recommendations from the INSARAG Haiti Earthquake After Action Review Meeting of June 2010 and INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting of March 2010. Therefore, the INSARAG Operations Working Group (OWG) was established in 2011 with the endorsement of INSARAG Steering Group.

This newly established working group is a project-based temporary inter-regional working group with specific targets and timelines as described at itsTerms of Reference . The inputs from the INSARAG regional groups are received through its participants in the working group. The groups is composed of a chair, two representatives from each INSARAG regional group and a representative of INSARAG. The group meets two to three times a year. The reports of this working group’s meetings can be found below.


Chair of OWG:

Mr. David Norlin

Email: [email protected]


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Task specific ad-hoc working groups of INSARAG may be established from time to time at the request of the INSARAG Steering Group, the Regional Groups or urban search and rescue team leaders with the endorsement of the INSARAG Steering Group. These groups are staffed with personnel who have the relevant experience and qualifications to address the issues under discussion and include a representative from the INSARAG Secretariat. The purpose of these working groups is to develop solutions to specific issues identified by the requesting party.  Depending on their annual work plan, the working groups may meet two to three times a year. These meetings are only open to the members of that working group. The deliverable’s of these working groups are shared with the entire INSARAG community. Once these deliverable’s are endorsed by the Steering Group, they may be added to the INSARAG Guidelines or the INSARAG Technical Guidance Notes. On completion of the task, the working groups disband. As of 2012, there are three INSARAG working groups; namely Training Working Group, Operations Working Group and Medical Working Group.

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This is a network of experienced USAR practitioners who respond to collapsed structure incidents domestically and internationally and whose input, advice and experience serve to improve the operational capabilities of international USAR response. The INSARAG Secretariat convenes an annual USAR Team Leaders’ Meeting for all registered international USAR Team Leaders. These meetings provide a forum to discuss technical issues relating to training and best practice based on lessons learned from previous USAR operations and exercises.

Any INSARAG member countries interested in hosting the annual meeting of the international USAR Team Leaders is welcomed. The requests for this should be sent to the INSARAG Secretariat.

The reports of the INSARAG Team Leaders Meetings can be found here.


2015 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)

PresentationsReport Nepal Earthquake Lessons Learned and Way Forward


2014 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English )


2013 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


2012 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


2011 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English


2010 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (EnglishSpanish)

2010 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary Annex (English)


2009 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Agenda (English)

2009 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)


2008 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Agenda (English)

2008 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (EnglishFrench)


2007 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)


2005 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)


2004 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Agenda (English)

2004 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)


2003 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


2002 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


2001 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Report (English)


1999 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Report (English)


1998 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Recommendations (English)


1997 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Report (English)


1996 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Report (English)

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INSARAG is directed by a Steering Group, which consists of the INSARAG Chairman, INSARAG Regional Group Chairs and Vice-Chairs, the national focal points of INSARAG External Classification (IEC) classified countries, Chairs of any relevant INSARAG ad-hoc working groups and the INSARAG Secretariat. The Steering Group meets annually to determine the strategic direction and policies of INSARAG.

The reports of these annual meetings are published here.


2017 Chairman Summary (English)
2017 Chairman Summary (Spanish)
Annex A ISG 2017 Agenda
Annex B1 INSARAG List of participants Open Session
Annex B2 ISGM Meeting List of participants Closed Session
Annex C Strategy 2017-2020
Annex D IER Guidance Note
Annex E Beyond the Rubble


2016 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary with Annex A (English)
2016 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary with Annex A (Spanish)
Annex B — Participant list
Annex C1 — Concept Note — Capacity Building
Annex C2 — Concept Note — IER System
Annex C3 — Concept Note — International Light Teams
Annex C4 — Concept Note — Beyond the Rubble
Annex C5 — Concept Note — National USAR Team Accreditation (English)
Annex C5 — Concept Note — National USAR Team Accreditation (Spanish)



2015 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary (English)

1. Note Verbal from the Director OCHA Geneva

2. Chairman’s Summary

3. Annex A — Participant list

4. Annex B — Agenda

5. Annex C — Draft Abu Dhabi Declaration



2014 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary with Annexes (English) 2014 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary (Spanish)  

2013 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary (English , Spanish)

2013 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary Annexes (English)


2012 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


2011 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)

2011 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary Annexes (English)


2010 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary with Annexes (English)


2009 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary with Annexes (English)


2008 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary with Annexes (English)


2007 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Participants List (English)

2007 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary (English)

2007 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Agenda (English)


2006 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary with Annex (English)


2005 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)

2005 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Agenda (English)


2004 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)

2004 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Participants List (English)


2003 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Participants List (English)

2003 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary (English)

2003 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary Annexes (English)


2002 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Report (English)


1999 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Report (English)


1998 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Report (English)


1997 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Report (English)


1994 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Report (English)


1991 INSARAC Inaugural Meeting Documentation (English)

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INSARAG is directed by a Steering Group, which consists of INSARAG Chairperson, INSARAG Secretary (which is held by the Chief of FCSS at UN OCHA), Chairpersons of Regional Groups, Vice Chairpersons of Regional Groups, national focal points of INSARAG External Classification (IEC) classified countries and Chairs of any relevant Ad-hoc working groups.

The INSARAG Secretariat seat is FCSS, UN OCHA, located in Geneva, Switzerland. The task of the INSARAG Secretariat is to organise INSARAG meetings, workshops, INSARAG External Classifications (IECs) and training events in cooperation with host countries.

The INSARAG Regional Groups are arranged as follows: Africa/Europe/Middle East Region, Americas Region, and Asia/Pacific Region. These Regional Groups meet annually to take measures to strengthen regional USAR response and ensure the strategic direction and policies from the Steering Group are implemented, and to assimilate relevant information from participating countries for submission to the Steering Group.

Task specific Ad-hoc Working Groups may be established from time to time at the request of the Steering Group, the Regional Groups or USAR Team Leaders. These groups are staffed with personnel who have the relevant experience and qualifications to address the issues under discussion and include a representative from the INSARAG Secretariat.

The INSARAG Secretariat convenes an annual USAR Team Leaders’ Meeting for all registered international USAR Team Leaders. These meetings provide a forum to discuss technical issues relating to training and best practice based on lessons learned from previous USAR operations and exercises.


Mr Luigi D’Angelo Lt. Col. Krzysztof Pietrasik  Mr Bruno Ulliac
Direttore Operativo per il

Coordinamento delle Emergenze DPC

Advisor of the Chief Commandant of the State Fire Service Ministère de l’intérieur

DGSCGC — Mission des Relations

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]  [email protected]

Those countries that do not appear in the Directory have not informed the Secretariat of the designation of their INSARAG focal points. 


Please contact the INSARAG Secretariat at: 
Emergency Response Services Branch
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Tel: +41 22 917 3484
[email protected] 


Regional Chair — Japan

Incoming Chair — Australia

Outgoing Chair  — Malaysia

Mr. Hideaki Chotoku

Ms. Meg Northrope 

Mr. Zainal Azman Abu Seman

Government UNDAC Focal Point
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
[email protected]

A/g Director | Humanitarian Preparedness & Response Section
Humanitarian Response, Risk & Recovery Branch | Humanitarian, NGOs & Partnerships Division

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
[email protected]

Deputy Director General (Operation),
National Disaster Management Agency
Prime Minister’s Department
[email protected]

The contact details of focal points from countries and organisations of the Regional Group can be found in the INSARAG Directory. Those countries that do not appear in the Directory have not informed the Secretariat of the designation of their INSARAG focal points. INSARAG SECRETARIAT Please contact the INSARAG Secretariat at:

Field Coordination Support Section
Emergency Services Branch
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Tel: +41 22 917 1173
[email protected]


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Welcome to INSARAG Asia Pacific Regional Group. Here you will find reports and information about the regional group meetings, exercises and training activities.


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