The INSARAG Secretariat can hold ad-hoc events, for example to discuss the lessons learnt from major earthquake responses. These events are open to INSARAG members.

2023: After-Action Review of the INSARAG USAR response to the Türkiye and Syria Earthquakes


Short – Analysis & Recommendations for INSARAG

Analysis & Recommendations for INSARAG

INSARAG AAR Presentation

2010: Haiti Earthquake After Action Review Meeting:

Below are the recommendations report of this meeting and a book regarding the Haiti earthquake international urban search and rescue response and Haiti Earthquake After Action Review Meeting.
Haiti Earthquake Response (Book)
Haiti Earthquake AAR Meeting Recommendations Report -English
Haiti Earthquake AAR Meeting Recommendations Report -Spanish

2004: Iran/Bam and Morocco Earthquakes Lessons Learned Meeting:

Below is the Chairman Summary of the meeting organised to discuss international urban search and rescue response lessons learned from Iran/Bam (2003) and Morocco (2004) earthquakes.
Iran/Morocco Lessons Learned Meeting

2003: Algerian Earthquake Lessons Learned Meeting:

Below is the Chairman Summary of the meeting organised to discuss international urban search and rescue response lessons learned from the 2003 Algerian earthquake.
Algeria Lessons Learned Meeting 

1999: Turkey and Taipei Earthquakes Lessons Learned Meeting:

Below is the report from the Meeting of international USAR Team Leaders on Lessons Learned and follow up to the 1999 Turkey and Taipei Earthquakes.
Turkey and Taipei Earthquakes Lessons Learned Meeting

Three INSARAG Regional Groups meet annually to plan regional activities and to keep abreast of USAR related issues. With the recommendations of INSARAG Regional Meetings and the endorsement of the INSARAG Steering Group, the INSARAG community felt that there was a need for greater interaction between three INSARAG Regional Groups and therefore decided to hold a global INSARAG meeting every 5 years. This global event is a unique opportunity designed to bring all member countries together from across all INSARAG regions.


The INSARAG Guidelines Review Group (GRG) met in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), on 14-15 October 2015. The list of participants can be found in Annex A.

Chair of TWG, Mr. David Sochor

{tabulizer:include style[gr.alterora.elemental_2_grey.css] id[tab_F6yW0U1VnR]}

 Name  Country Region Position
David Sochor Switzerland AEME A/Chair on behalf of Manuel Bessler
John Denny Australia Asia-Pacific Member
Sebastian Mocarquer Chile Americas Member
Peter Wolff Germany AEME Member
Arjan Stam Netherlands AEME Member
Paul Burns New Zealand Asia-Pacific Member
Dewey Perks USA Americas Member
Marwan Bader Alsmeiat Jordan AEME Member
Ling Young Ern Singapore Asia-Pacific Member
Tsukasa Katsube Japan Asia-Pacific Member

This meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Interior of the Government of the United Arab Emirates and co-organised by the INSARAG Secretariat.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Winston Chang, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, FCSS-OCHA and Mr. David Sochor, Chief of Rapid Response Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Chief of Staff to the Chairman GRG, Ambassador Manuel Bessler.
Guidelines Review Group Meeting Chairman’s Summary

Following lessons identified from the urban search and rescue response to the Padang earthquake (2009) and the Haiti earthquake (2010), INSARAG has discussed to establish a technical working group looking into operational sides of coordinating urban search and rescue. In the INSARAG Steering Group Meeting, June 2010 , it was decided that an INSARAG working group should be established to further develop these aspects based on the recommendations from the INSARAG Haiti Earthquake After Action Review Meeting of June 2010 and INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting of March 2010. Therefore, the INSARAG Operations Working Group (OWG) was established in 2011 with the endorsement of INSARAG Steering Group.

This newly established working group is a project-based temporary inter-regional working group with specific targets and timelines as described at itsTerms of Reference . The inputs from the INSARAG regional groups are received through its participants in the working group. The groups is composed of a chair, two representatives from each INSARAG regional group and a representative of INSARAG. The group meets two to three times a year. The reports of this working group’s meetings can be found below.

Chair of OWG:

Mr. David Norlin

Email: [email protected]


The first meeting of the INSARAG OWG in 2013 took place from March 1st – 9th 2013 in Luzern, Switzerland. Please find theChairman Summary  of this meeting.

The second meeting of the INSARAG OWG in 2013 took place from September 16 – 18 2013 in The Hague, Netherlands. Please find the Chairman Summary of this meeting.


The first meeting of the INSARAG OWG in 2012 took place from 17-19 and 23-25 March 2012 in Australia back to back with the INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting. Please find the Chairman Summary of this meeting. Please note that the outcomes of the working groups are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.

The second meeting of the INSARAG OWG took place from 27 May -3 June 2012 in Padang, Indonesia . Please find below theChairman Summary of this meeting. Please note that the outcomes of the working groups are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.

The third and last meeting of the INSARAG OWG in 2012 took place from 5-9 November 2012 in Los Angeles, USA. You may find the Chairman Summary of this meeting here. Please note that the outcomes of this working group are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.


The first meeting of the INSARAG OWG took place from 30 March–03 April 2011 in Costa Rica back to back with the INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting. Below is the Chairman Summary of this meeting. Please note that the outcomes of this working group are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.
Chairman’s Summary

The second meeting of the INSARAG OWG took place from 8-12 July 2011 in Turkey back to back with the INSARAG External Classification (IEC) of Turkish USAR teams. Below is the Chairman Summary of this meeting. Please note that the outcomes of this working group are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.
Chairman’s Summary

The third and last meeting of the INSARAG OWG in 2011 took place from 18-22 November 2011 in South Africa back to back with the INSARAG/UNDAC Awareness Training. Below is the Chairman Summary of this meeting. Please note that the outcomes of this working group are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.
Chairman Summary 

This is a network of experienced USAR practitioners who respond to collapsed structure incidents domestically and internationally and whose input, advice and experience serve to improve the operational capabilities of international USAR response. The INSARAG Secretariat convenes an annual USAR Team Leaders’ Meeting for all registered international USAR Team Leaders. These meetings provide a forum to discuss technical issues relating to training and best practice based on lessons learned from previous USAR operations and exercises.

Any INSARAG member countries interested in hosting the annual meeting of the international USAR Team Leaders is welcomed. The requests for this should be sent to the INSARAG Secretariat.

The reports of the INSARAG Team Leaders Meetings can be found here:

Chairman’s Summary Brasil 2024

Please find the TL meetings Presentations here

Links YouTube Video Day 1:

Links YouTube Video Day 2:

Links YouTube Video Day 3:


2023 INSARAG Team Leaders (TLs) Meeting and Technical Working Group (WGs) Meeting



FINAL Chairman’s Summary_Chile 2019

Annex A Participants List

Annex B Meeting Agenda

Annex C1 Breakout Group Facilitators_Vol II Manual A

Annex C2 Breakout Group Facilitators_Vol II Manual B

Annex C3 Breakout Group Facilitators_Vol II Manual C

Annex C4 Breakout Group Facilitators_Vol III

Annex D1 Breakout Session 1

Annex D2 Breakout Session 2

Annex D3 Breakout Session 3

Day 2_Summary Breakout group_ AEME discussions

Day 2_Summary Breakout group_ AP discussions


Annex AAnnex BAnnex C1, Annex C2, Annex C3Annex D1, Annex D2, Annex D3, Annex E1, Annex E2, Annex E3Chairman Summary, Checklist_2018 


Annex AAnnex BAnnex CAnnex DChairman Summary.


2016 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)

Annex A (Participants list), Annex B (Agenda), Annex C (Breakout Groups Discussion Points)


2015 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)

PresentationsReport Nepal Earthquake Lessons Learned and Way Forward


2014 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English )


2013 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


2012 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


2011 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


2010 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (EnglishSpanish)

2010 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary Annex (English)


2009 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Agenda (English)

2009 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)


2008 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Agenda (English)

2008 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (EnglishFrench)


2007 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)


2005 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)


2004 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Agenda (English)

2004 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)


2003 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


2002 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


2001 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Report (English)


1999 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Report (English)


1998 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Recommendations (English)


1997 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Report (English)


1996 INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting Report (English)

INSARAG is directed by a Steering Group, which consists of the INSARAG Chairman, INSARAG Regional Group Chairs and Vice-Chairs, the national focal points of INSARAG External Classification (IEC) classified countries, Chairs of any relevant INSARAG ad-hoc working groups and the INSARAG Secretariat. The Steering Group meets annually to determine the strategic direction and policies of INSARAG.

The reports of these annual meetings are published here:


2022 Chairman Summary

ISG Agenda 2022

PowerPoint Presentation

Final list of participants to the ISG meeting

The INSARAG Recognized National Accreditation Process (IRNAP) Technical Guidance Note and the IRNAP Checklist

The USAR Coordination (UC) Handbook V2.0

The First Responders Programme (FRP) V2.0



2021 Chairman Summary – Link

Agenda ISG 2021- Link

Meeting Details and Issues for Decision at the INSARAG Steering Group (ISG)  – Link

Link to the recording of the ISG – Link

PowerPoint Presentation – Link


Beirut Port Explosions – International Frontline Response in a Pandemic:

  • Recording link – Link
  • Presentation 1 (UNDAC) – Link
  • Presentation 2 (EMERCOM) – Link



2020 Chairman Summary – Link

Annex A – ISG Meeting 2020 Agenda – Link

Annex B – Final list of participants to the ISG meeting – Link

Annex C – INSARAG_snapshot_2019 – Link

Annex D – ISG 2020 Decision Matrix – Link

Annex E – Warsaw Declaration 2020 – DRAFT 20200227 – Link

Annex F – INSARAG 2020 Calendar of events – Link



 2019 Chairman Summary

Annex A _ 2019 Agendas of the ISG Meetings

Annex B_ Participant list of ISG Open Meeting

Annex C_INSARAG Annual Snapshot 2018

Annex D_Letter of Intent between INSARAG and OAF

Annex E_INSARAG Global Meeting 2020 Concept Note

Annex H_Light INSARAG IEC.R Chieckllist


2018 Chairman Summary (English)
2018 Chairman Summary (Spanish)
Annex A1 (Closed Meeting) ISG 2018 Agenda
Annex A2 (Open meeting) ISG 2018 
Annex B1 INSARAG List of participants Closed Session
Annex B2 ISGM Meeting List of participants Open Session
Annex C INSARAG Report 2017
Annex D Final ISG 2018 Decision Matrix
2017 Chairman Summary (English)
2017 Chairman Summary (Spanish)
Annex A ISG 2017 Agenda
Annex B1 INSARAG List of participants Open Session
Annex B2 ISGM Meeting List of participants Closed Session
Annex C Strategy 2017-2020
Annex D IER Guidance Note
Annex E Beyond the Rubble

2016 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary with Annex A (English)
2016 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary with Annex A (Spanish)
Annex B – Participant list
Annex C1 – Concept Note – Capacity Building
Annex C2 – Concept Note – IER System
Annex C3 – Concept Note – International Light Teams
Annex C4 – Concept Note – Beyond the Rubble
Annex C5 – Concept Note – National USAR Team Accreditation (English)
Annex C5 – Concept Note – National USAR Team Accreditation (Spanish)


2015 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary (English)

1. Note Verbal from the Director OCHA Geneva
2. Chairman’s Summary
3. Annex A – Participant list
4. Annex B – Agenda
5. Annex C – Draft Abu Dhabi Declaration


2014 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary with Annexes (English) 2014 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary (Spanish)


2013 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary (English , Spanish)

2013 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary Annexes (English)


2012 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


2011 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)

2011 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary Annexes (English)


2010 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Chairman Summary with Annexes (English)


2009 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary with Annexes (English)


2008 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary with Annexes (English)


2007 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Participants List (English)

2007 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary (English)

2007 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Agenda (English)


2006 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary with Annex (English)


2005 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)

2005 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Agenda (English)


2004 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary (ArabicEnglishFrench)

2004 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Participants List (English)


2003 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Participants List (English)

2003 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary (English)

2003 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Chairman Summary Annexes (English)


2002 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Report (English)


1999 INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting Report (English)


1998 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Report (English)


1997 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Report (English)


1994 INSARAG Steering Group Meeting Report (English)


1991 INSARAC Inaugural Meeting Documentation (English)

INSARAG is directed by a Steering Group, which consists of INSARAG Chairperson, INSARAG Secretary (which is held by the Chief of Emergency  Response Section at UN OCHA), Chairpersons of Regional Groups, Vice Chairpersons of Regional Groups, national focal points of INSARAG External Classification (IEC) classified countries and Chairs of any relevant Ad-hoc working groups.

The INSARAG Secretariat seat is FCSS, UN OCHA, located in Geneva, Switzerland. The task of the INSARAG Secretariat is to organise INSARAG meetings, workshops, INSARAG External Classifications (IECs) and training events in cooperation with host countries.

The INSARAG Regional Groups are arranged as follows: Africa/Europe/Middle East Region, Americas Region, and Asia/Pacific Region. These Regional Groups meet annually to take measures to strengthen regional USAR response and ensure the strategic direction and policies from the Steering Group are implemented, and to assimilate relevant information from participating countries for submission to the Steering Group.

Task specific Ad-hoc Working Groups may be established from time to time at the request of the Steering Group, the Regional Groups or USAR Team Leaders. These groups are staffed with personnel who have the relevant experience and qualifications to address the issues under discussion and include a representative from the INSARAG Secretariat.

The INSARAG Secretariat convenes an annual USAR Team Leaders’ Meeting for all registered international USAR Team Leaders. These meetings provide a forum to discuss technical issues relating to training and best practice based on lessons learned from previous USAR operations and exercises.

AEME Regional Chair Qatar Mr Mubarak Sherida Al Kaabi [email protected]; Deputy Team Leader
Cpt Fahad Al Hajri (Op FP) [email protected]; [email protected]; Head of Management and Planning, Qatar Search and Rescue Group
Incoming Chair Romania Marius DOGEANU [email protected]; [email protected]; Head of Directorate General for Civil Protection; Department for Emergency Situations
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Catalin IVAN [email protected] Head of the international cooperation structure at the  Directorate General for Civil Protection/ Department for Emergency Situations/MoI
Daniel GHEORGHITA [email protected] Head of the structure for strategic development in the field of civil protection – Directorate General for Civil Protection/ Department for Emergency Situations/MoI
Outgoing Chair Turkey Mr. Yunus SEZER [email protected]; Governor General Director of AFAD
Mr. Recep Salci [email protected]; Ministry of Interior; General Directorate of Response Services of AFAD- Head of Search and Rescue Department
Tahsin Berkant Ataay [email protected]; AFAD Expert

The contact details of focal points from countries and organizations of the Regional Group can be found in the INSARAG Directory. Those countries that do not appear in the Directory have not informed the Secretariat of the designation of their INSARG Focal Points. 


Please contact the INSARAG Secretariat at:

Emergency Response Section (ERS)

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Tel: +41 22 917 3484

[email protected]


There was no INSARAG Africa/Europe/Middle East Regional Group Earthquake Response Exercise that took place in 2011.

There was no INSARAG Africa/Europe/Middle East Regional Group Earthquake Response Exercise that took place in 2010.