Guidelines 2020

The INSARAG Guidelines provides a methodology to guide countries affected by a sudden-onset disaster causing large-scale structural collapse, as well as international USAR Teams responding in the affected country. The Guidelines also outlines the role of the UN in assisting affected countries in on-site coordination.

Reviewed and updated between 2018 to 2020, the INSARAG Guidelines 2020 incorporates six new areas from the 2015 version that were endorsed by the ISG; (i) IER Pre-Greening Process, (ii) INSARAG Recognised National Accreditation Process (IRNAP), (iii) USAR Coordination Cell (UCC), (iv) Information Management, (v) Classified Light Teams and (vi) Beyond the Rubble.

S/N Item Download Link
1 Volume I – Policy Link
2 Volume II, Manual A – Capacity Building Link
3 Volume II, Manual B – Operations Link
4 Volume II, Manual C – INSARAG External Classification & Reclassification Link
5 Volume III – Operational Field Guide Link

Note: INSARAG endorsed manuals, selected annexes and checklists have been reorganized and can now be found in the Guidance Notes section

Other reference notes can be found in the Technical Reference Library.

You can also find the complete Guidelines 2020 with their annexes at the following link: Link

Diagram describing the Guidelines

The INSARAG Secretariat welcomes the Members States and donors to translate the Guidelines into other languages for greater outreach.

Please find below the Guidelines in other languages:

Japanese Version (Link)

Chinese Version

Hungarian Version (Link)

Spanish Version (Link)

French Version (Link)

Farsi Version (Link)