Forms to Volume II, Manual B

This section contains the forms which complements the content outlined in Volume II, Manual B.

For the full list of annexes, forms and supporting documents hosted in, USAR Teams are encouraged to refer to Annex B in the INSARAG Guidelines Volume II, Manual B

S/N Item Download Link POC
1 Annex B5 , Form 1 – USAR Team Fact Sheet Form & Demobilisation Link GRG
2 Annex B5, Form 2 – Worksite Triage Form Link GRG
3 Annex B5, Form 3 – Worksite Report Form Link GRG
4 Annex B5, Form 4 – Victim Extrication Form Link GRG
5 Annex B5, Form 5 – Incident-Sector Situation Report Form Link GRG
6 Annex B5, Form 6 – Humanitarian Needs Identification Form Link GRG
7 Annex B5, Form 7 – Patient Treatment Form Link GRG

Annexes to Volume III – Operational Field Guide

This section contains the annexes which complements the content outlined in Volume III.

For the full list of annexes, forms and supporting documents hosted in, USAR Teams are encouraged to refer to Annex A in the INSARAG Guidelines Volume III

S/N Item Download Link
1 Annex B1: Ethical Considerations for USAR Teams Link
2 Annex B2: Media Management Checklist Link
3 Annex B3: Country Information – Affected Area Information Template Link
4 Annex B4: USAR Team Fact Sheet Link
5 Annex B5: RDC Establishment Checklist Link
6 Annex B6: RDC Briefing Handout Form Link
7 Annex B7: Security Briefings Link
8 Annex B8 – Airfield Assessment Link
9 Annex B9 – UCC Team Assignment Status Link
10 Annex B10 – USAR Coordination Cell Establishment Link
11 Annex B11 – UCC-LEMA Meeting Form Link
12  Annex B12 – Standard Meeting Agenda Link
13 Annex B13 – Assignment Briefing Package Link
14 Annex B14 – Base of Operations Requirements Link
15 Annex B15 – Base of Operations Layout Link
16 Annex B16 – Management Tent Layout Link
17 Annex B17 – Safety and Security Plan Link
18 Annex B18 – Evacuation Plans Link
19 Annex B19 – Wide Area and Sector Assessment Link
20 Annex B20 – Assessment Search and Rescue Level Link
21 Annex B21 – Hazmat Evaluation Guide Link
22 Annex B22 – Worksite Triage and Structural Evaluation Link
23 Annex B23 – Worksite Triage Form Link
24 Annex B24 – Worksite Report Form Link
25 Annex B25 – Incident-Sector Situation Report Link
26 Annex B26 – USAR Team Marking System and Signalling Link
27 Annex B27 – Victim Extrication Form Link
28 Annex B28 – Demobilization Form Link
29 Annex B29 – Mission Summary Form Link
30 Annex B30: USAR Team Post-Mission Report Form Link

Annexes to Volume II, Manual C – INSARAG External Classification and Reclassification

This section contains the annexes which complements the content outlined in Volume II, Manual C.

For the full list of annexes, forms and supporting documents hosted in, USAR Teams are encouraged to refer to the Annex D of INSARAG Guidelines Volume II Manual C 

S/N Item Download Link
1 Annex D2Directory of Classified USAR Teams Link
2 Annex D3 – IEC-R Classifier Application Link
3 Annex D4 – IEC-R Mentor Application Link
4 Annex D5 – IEC application Phase 1 Abbreviated Portfolio of Evidence (A-POE) Link
5 Annex D6 – IEC-R Mentors Assessment Report Link
6 Annex D7 – IEC application Phase 2 Comprehensive Portfolio of Evidence (C-POE) Link
7 Annex D8 – IEC-R Report Template  Link
8 Annex D9 – Pre-IEC-R Self-Assessment Checklist Link

Annexes to Volume II, Manual B – Operations

This section contains the annexes which complements the content outlined in Volume II, Manual B.

For the full list of annexes, forms and supporting documents hosted in, USAR Teams are encouraged to refer to Annex B in the INSARAG Guidelines Volume II Manual B – Operations


Item Download Link


Annex B1Ethical Considerations Link


Annex B2 – Media Management Guide Link 

Annexes to Volume II, Manual A – Capacity Building

This section contains the annexes which complements the content outlined in Volume II, Manual A.

For the full list of annexes, forms and supporting documents hosted in, USAR Teams are encouraged to refer to Annex E in the INSARAG Guidelines Volume II, Manual A

For other documents like the INSARAG External Support Recognition Process (IESRP) Manual, USAR Teams may refer to the IRNAP Sub-section under the Manuals section.

S/N Item Download Link Working Group

Annexes to Volume I – Policy

This section contains the annexes which complement the content outlined in Volume I.

For the full list of annexes, forms and supporting documents hosted in, USAR Teams are encouraged to refer to Annex C in the INSARAG Guidelines Volume I 

S/N Item Download Link
1 Annex DExplanatory Note on the Technical Reference Library and INSARAG Guidance Notes Link

For more information, you may refer to the INSARAG Guidelines Volume I – Policy here

The 3rd INSARAG Global Meeting will take place in Warsaw, Poland, from 4 to 9 October 2020, and is generously hosted by the National Headquarters of the State Fire Service of Poland.


Refer to the “IGM 2020” Tab for more information.