INSARAG Classified teams per regions

Africa-Europe-Middle East 42

Americas 4

Asia Pacific 11

57 Teams

Heavy INSARAG Classified teams per regions

Africa-Europe-Middle East 22

Americas 2

Asia Pacific 9

Medium INSARAG Classified teams per regions

Asia Pacific 2 Africa-Europe-Middle East 17

Americas 2

Asia-Pacific 2

The list of approved members for the GRG from 2018 to 2020











 Co-Chair of GRG, Mr. David Sochor and Mr. Anwar Abdullah 

Name Country Position Email address
David Sochor Switzerland  Co-Chair
Anwar Abdullah Singapore Co-Chair
Annika Coll Spain Member 
Sebastian Mocarquer Chile Member
Silvia Ballen Colombia Member
Johnny Ramírez Zumbado Costa Rica Member
David Lewis Australia Member
Paul Burns New Zealand Member
Chen Hong China Member
Mohammed Alshahrani Saudi Member
Firas Falah Abu Al Sondos Jordan Member;;
Samghouli Soufian  Morocco  Member
Belit Tasdemir Turkey Member
Martin Evers Netherlands  Member
Vasily Evseev Russia Member; 



 The 7th GRG meeting took place from 3 to 5 February in Geneva

Chairman Summary

Annex A – Feedback on INSARAG Guidelines 2020

Annex B – Shifting of Selected Annexes, Forms and Checklists

Annex C – Updates to (INSARAG Guidelines, TRL, Guidance Notes


Salient Pointers: Co-Chairmanship Working Model – GRG 2020

GRG 2020_ Co-Chair Write-up document



The 6th GRG Meeting took place from 9 to 11 December 2019 in The Hague, Netherlands

Chairman Summary

Coverning Note on TRL and Guidance Notes

Annex C _ TRL Navigation Overview



The 5th GRG Meeting took place from 6 to 8 October 2019 in Santiago de Chile, Chile


Meeting Opening

Chairman Summary

GRG Anney A proposal for coour coding system

Key Takeaways for GRG TWG Meeting




Final version of the 3rd GRG Meeting Chairman Summary which took place from 4 to 8 February in Geneva during the Humanitarian Network Partnership Week (HNPW)

3rd GRG Meeting Chairman Summary


4th Meeting of GRG, 12-14 June 2019, Singapore

The INSARAG Guidelines Review Group(GRG) Meeting hosted by the Co-Chair, Singapore, is taking place this week with 15 expert participants from 11 countries representing the Americas, Africa, Europe, the Middle-East, and the Asia-Pacific regional groups. The INSARAG Steering Group as directed the GRG to conduct the 5 yearly extensive review and consultations with the global network for a version 2020-25, and to be launched at the 30th Anniversary of INSARAG in Warsaw, Poland in October 2020.

The INSARAG Guidelines are the cornerstone of the globally accepted global standards as endorsed by UN GA 57/150 of 16 December 2002 and guides member countries on urban seach and rescue(USAR) preparedness and response arrangements.  

Group Photo 2019 06 12 120029     Photo 2 2019 06 12




The GRG 2020 also apprised the TLs on the overall plan and current status of work. 

In the breakout session, the GRG 2020 will engage the TLs on the matter of the Technical Guidance Reference Library/Best Practice. Regular engagement and close coordination with the INSARAG Working Groups is imperative to the achievement of the objective of a comprehensive reviewed Guidelines.  The outcome of this engagement will be captured in the chairman’s summary and be shared with the INSARAG Network.

Guidelines Review WG update 






The XVI Meeting of the INSARAG Americas Regional Group as well as the IV Consultation meeting on the emergency response cooperation mechanism of the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team, were held in Guayaquil, Ecuador from 29 November to 1 December 2017.

The meeting was hosted by the Secretariat of Risk Management of Ecuador and co-organised by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in its capacity as INSARAG Secretariat and UNDAC system manager.

A total of 44 participants from 21 countries and OCHA participated it the meeting.

The chairman summary, with its annexes, including the list of participants, can be found below. 

Chairman summary




The INSARAG Africa, Europe and Middle East (AEME) Regional Group meeting was held on 14-15 November 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey, generously hosted by the Government of Turkey and the Disaster and Emergency Presidency of Turkey (AFAD). The meeting which brought together 85 participants from the region and beyond representing 27 countries aimed at electing a Regional Troika 2018, finalizing the INSARAG AEME Regional Plan for 2018, discussing the key INSARAG issues following the 2017 INSARAG Steering Group meeting, namely: IER Pre-Greening Arrangements, Light Teams Quality Assurance Standards, National Accreditation Processes, UCC and KoBo implementation and IEC/R Requirements and the INSARAG Guidelines Version 2020 and other essential matters.


AEME Meeting Final Agenda

Annex C

Meeting Summary

Work Plan 2018

Participant list

 Please find attached  the 4 ICMS Handbooks  (Excon, RDC, Team and UCC guides) in English and Italian through the following link:


 Note From IMWG

We are all facing a situation that we only know from exercises or films. Even I could never have imagined that we were on the way to a complete shutdown in Germany.

Assuming that there will be no Face to Face meeting in 2020 we look for alternatives.

In order to prepare for any upcoming USAR Mission, IMWG has started to distribute the ICMS user licenses to the teams during the past few weeks.

Over 80% of the teams have received access to their ICMS training accounts already. In addition, we published the ICMS Handbooks as well.

Now we need to start training sessions on the new system. An earthquake can happen at any time, as we have seen during the past weeks.

With thanks, we have already received the “COVID-19 USAR OPERATIONAL GUIDANCE NOTE”.

IMWG would like to take the next step and offer training on ICMS via an INTERNET “MS Teams”. We thought we would split it into two parts.

1.) The Basics (Team related approx..3 hours)

            Short pptx, 30 minutes max.

            Life demo how to install and set up the apps (Survey123 and ESRI Explorer)

            Collecting data via different devices (Smartphone, Tablet, Laptops, PC)

            The “Dashboard”

            Q&A session


2.) Advanced (More related to RDC and UCC members, approx. 2 hours)

            Sectorization, Event Boarder

The Dashboard in more details

            Tasking of teams

            Q&A session

We did already successfully a first training with the staff of ERS via “MS Teams”

The first IMWG ICMS training will be organized the Week after Easter. The exact date will soon be published at 

We are open to requests and suggestions.





Image Map

95 participants from 31 countries and organizations working on urban search and rescue (USAR) gathered for the annual International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) Asia-Pacific (A-P) Regional Meeting in c, on 14 – 15 September 2017.

The meeting was held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, hosted by the Government of Malaysia Regional Chair 2016, and co-organized by OCHA in its capacity as the INSARAG Secretariat that is located in the Field Coordination Support Section (FCSS) of the Emergency Services Branch (ESB) in OCHA Geneva.


Annex A – Participant List

Annex B – Agenda AP Meeting 2017

Annex C  – DRAFT Summary of Breakout Discussions

Annex D – Summary of AP Strategy and Workplan 2018

Annex D1 – INSARAG AP Regional Group Strategic Plan 2016-20

INSARAG AP Meeting Summary 14-15 Malaysia 2017


INSARAG teams are expected to use a common system of work. This includes using common forms and information displays.

To download the USAR Coordination Manual click here.
To download the USAR Coordination Desktop click here.

UC Course Package:

The UC Package for trained UC instructors and for INSARAG teams to use for your own team training can be found at this link: UCC Package

UC IEC/R Checklist Item for 2018:

The IEC/R Checklist item for USAR Coordination as finalised in the Team Leader’s Meeting are:

Should you have further questions, kindly contact your representatives from the Training Working Group listed in and/or contact the Secretariat at

USAR Operations 
11 UCC/SCCUSAR Coordination and use of IMWG Toolbox  Clarification  Assessment Method  Remarks  Colour Mode 
11.1 Does the USAR team have a sufficient number of trained personnel to undertake UC activities? Team numbers should include a redundancy ratio of at least 2:1. They need to have completed the INSARAG accredited UC course.  
11.2 Does the USAR team have sufficient equipment to be able to operate a RDC/UCC/SCC? The RDC and UCC/SCC capability should demonstrate its ability to have a self-sustaining system as per annexe E of the USAR coordination manual.
11.3 Does the USAR team have the ability to establish and operate an RDC, UCC or SCC?  The team is the first team in-country and should have a minimum of 4 trained staff for a heavy and 2 trained staff for a medium team.
It is required to communicate directly with LEMA until the UCC is established. 
The focus is on USAR coordination, field assessment and liaison with local authorities (LEMA). For the purpose of the exercise, the USAR team must demonstrate that it can run its own Command and Control (C&C) and the UCC/SCC simultaneously.
The UCC/SCC can be established and operated out of the USAR team’s C&C tent, or in a separate location.
The team must demonstrate its ability to be self-sufficient and run the RDC and UCC/SCC functions during the exercise. This does not need to be simultaneous.
Setting up and operating the RDC and UCC/SCC must be evaluated during the exercise. 
11.4 Does the USAR team utilise INSARAG forms to manage coordination information? USAR Team: 
Fact Sheet 
Work Site Triage 
Work Site Report 
Victim Extrication 
Fact Sheet Summary 
Operations Management Tool
Incident / Sector Situation Report 
11.5 Does the USAR team ensure a representative is present at the UCC/SCC during USAR coordination meetings? The teams representative attending these meetings must be authorised to comment on the teams’ operational activities and be in a position to make decisions on behalf of the team.
11.6 Does the USAR team have the ability to submit data to IMWG? The team should be using either paper forms or tablets to gather information and to submit to the IMWG platform. 
11.7 Are there assigned and trained personnel to submit information to IMWG? Personnel should understand the basics of the IMWG system and the significance of the information being gathered.
11.8 Can UCC/SCC components of the team demonstrate the ability to analyse data submitted to IMWG? The team should be able to analyse collected information and be able to convert into plans ensuring the right level of resources are assigned.
Use of mapping?





Team forms:

Name Pdf version Excel version Word version
Team Fact Sheet Download Download N/A
Worksite triage form Download Download N/A
Worksite Report form Download Download N/A
Victim Extrication form Download Download N/A
Demobilisation form Download Download N/A


Coordination tool:

Name Pdf version Excel version Word version
Team Fact Sheet summary Download Download N/A
Wide area assessment Download Download N/A
Sector Assessment Download Download N/A
RDC Briefing Download Download N/A
Worksite assignment Download Download N/A
Operations Management Tool Download Download N/A
Incident/Sector Situation Report  Download Download N/A
Affected area information Download Download N/A
Olympic Codes Download Download N/A
OSOCC/LEMA briefing Download Download N/A
RDC Handout Download Download N/A
OSOCC Planning Guideline Download Download N/A
Meeting Agenda Guideline Download Download N/A
Assignment Briefing Download Download N/A


Coordination wall displays:

Name Pdf version Excel version Word version
Weather forecast Download N/A Download
Safety and security Download N/A Download
Infrastructure status Download N/A Download
Information sources Download N/A Download
Host government information Download N/A Download
Local facilities Download N/A Download
Reporting schedule Download N/A Download
Briefing schedule Download N/A Download
Key contacts and locations Download N/A Download
Current situation Download N/A Download
Organogram – large Download N/A Download
Organogram – small Download N/A Download
Incoming USAR teams Download N/A Download
Incoming medical teams Download N/A Download
Incoming relief teams Download N/A Download
Airport information Download N/A Download
Incident overview Download N/A Download
Sector overview Download N/A Download
Humanitarian impact Download N/A Download
Victim handling Download N/A Download
Meeting minutes Download N/A Download
Logistics available Download N/A Download
Logistics requests Download N/A Download
Resource tracking (internal) Download N/A Download
Outstanding issues Download N/A Download
Coordination staff information Download N/A Download


Other documents:

Name PDF version Excel version Word version
Briefing Checklist                    Download  Download  N/A
Virtual OSOCC Manual Download  N/A  N/A
Guide USAR Download  N/A  N/A


USAR Coordination web links:

Virtual OSOCC

AZ World Airports


INSARAG external support and recognition process (IESRP) for national USAR team accreditation processes

It is desirable that the national accreditation processes form an integral part of the INSARAG process in the wider sense, equally to the INSARAG External Classification process for international teams. This is with the purpose of ensuring interoperability and appropriate interaction between the national and international response capacity.

The purpose of the “INSARAG external support and recognition process (IESRP) for national USAR team accreditation processes” is to provide a general framework for the advisory work and national USAR team capacity building work in the INSARAG community with the aim to establish a recognition process of national USAR team accreditation processes.

The support process shall be

  1. Voluntary: above all, this process shall be completely voluntary and interested countries shall make a formal request in order to obtain the support
  2. Supported by a regional Technical Support Group: a roster of experts, which the appropriate profile (USAR experience, experience with the INSARAG methodology, languages) shall be constituted and endorsed by the Regional Chairmanship group
  3. Based on country commitment: countries which would have received support through this process from the Technical Support Group shall also commit to provide appropriate experts in turn for the regional roster
  4. Based on a commitment towards the INSARAG methodology: the requesting country shall demonstrate its willingness to work according to the INSARAG methodology
  5. Funded by the requesting country: the requesting country shall cover the costs related to the Technical Support Group but there may be different modalities to carry it out, including through bilateral agreements or with support from donors.

The support process is composed of the following key steps

  1. Request: the interested country shall present a request to the Secretariat with a formal document demonstrating the commitment of the country to work according to the INSARAG methodology and presenting a report on the self-evaluation of the achievement of the criteria and steps of the national accreditation process.
  2. Designation of the Technical Support Group: the Secretariat will send a request to the regional roster of experts who will respond with their availability to support the country in its national accreditation process. The requested country will select three experts from three different countries of the region.
  3. The support process: the Technical Support Group will advise the country in the implementation of the criteria and steps for the national USAR team accreditation process. The requesting country and the Technical Support Group shall determine the methodology and duration of the advisory services (virtual meetings, electronic correspondence, face-to-face meetings, etc.). NB: in some cases, this process may be very short depending on the process of the country, in other cases it may take much longer, including years.
  4. Verification of the achievement of the criteria and steps of the national accreditation process: the country and the Technical Support Group will determine the appropriate moment to carry out the visit to the country of the latter, during which the entire national accreditation process will be reviewed (final documents, practices, etc.). The technical Support Group will elaborate a report of its activities and the process witnessed in the country and will share it with the requesting country and the Secretariat.

External recognition

On behalf of the INSARAG community, the INSARAG Secretariat will issue a recognition to the national authorities in charge of the national USAR accreditation process which have demonstrated that they have incorporated and implemented the INSARAG methodology within their own national standards and processes. It is a way for the INSARAG community to promote national capacity strengthening processes and a way to recognise the fact that the efforts undertaken at national level are in line with the INSARAG methodology.

  1. This certificate of recognition will be issues upon recommendation from and following the receipt of the final report from the Technical Support Group.

Reference documentation 

IESRP Manual Final


For more information on the National Accreditation process, refer to the specific page.