The first IRNAP course for Technical Support Group (TSG) and Technical Recognition Group (TRG) experts was held from 12 to 15 April and hosted 19 participating experts from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru, 5 facilitators from Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, observers from Brazil and BHA/USAID and is supported by the INSARAG Secretariat. This was organized by INSARAG’s Americas Regional Group and sponsored by the Secretariat of Risk Management of Ecuador, and carried out at the Training and Specialization Center of Ambato’s Fire Department. This course is the product of several years of hard work and revision and is expected to be replicated in other regions to strengthen their TSG/TRG rosters.

An USAR National Coordination Course was held in Panama from 6 to 10 March. This course aims to strengthen the National USAR system in terms of coordination between the National Civil Protection System and the National USAR response groups. A total of 33 participants from the National Civil Protection System (SINAPROC), the Panamanian Red Cross, the Panamanian Fire Brigade, the Social Security Fund and the National Border Service (SENAFRONT) attended the course.

This preparatory course took place from 30 January to 3 February for members of the USAR National Accreditation and Reaccreditation Process in El Salvador. The objective of this course was to strengthen the national capacities of the members of the USAR National Accreditation Process (NAP) and the members of the USAR National Technical Accreditation Committee (CTAN). Overall, this course hosted 25 participants from the General Directorate of Civil Protection (DGPC), the Health Solidarity Fund (FOSALUD), the National Fire Department, the Ministry of Justice, the National Civil Police and the National Academy of Public Security (ANSP).

A theoretical and practical workshop on National USAR coordination was held in Honduras from 24 to 26 January. The objective of the workshop included the review of national USAR coordination protocols/procedures as well as the use of coordination and information management tools available to National USAR groups, and a small-scale Earthquake Response Exercise simulating a 6.5 magnitude earthquake in Tegucigalpa to test national protocols. Participating institutions include the Secretary of State in the Offices of Risk Management and National Contingencies (COPECO), Honduran Fire Department, Honduran Red Cross, Honduran Armed Forces and several observers.

2021 INSARAG AEME Meeting Chairman Summary Link

Annex A_AEME Regional Meeting 2021_Presentation Link

Annex B_AEME Regional Meeting 2020_Agenda Link

Annex C _INSARAG Strategic Plan 2021 2026 Link

During the INSARAG Steering Group (ISG) Meeting 2018, a key decision was made for the INSARAG Guidelines Review Group (GRG) 2020, as part of its Terms of Reference (TOR) to develop the Technical Reference Library (TRL) and update the Guidance Notes. The Technical Reference Library is a knowledge repository for the best practices that have been shared by the respective national Operational Focal Point (FP) and the respective INSARAG Working Group (WG) while Guidance Notes would capture INSARAG endorsed documents which are binding, such as the guidelines annexes, IEC/IER & INAP/IRNAP Checklists and USAR Coordination Cell (UC) manual. For more information on the TRL and Guidance Notes, refer to the following link.  For more information on the document upload workflow and review process, refer to the following link.

Document Submission
To upload a document, submit the filled “Document Submission Form” under the following link to the INSARAG Secretariat via [email protected]. Uploaders are to ensure that the document has met the criteria set under the “Document Upload Workflow and Review Process” file.

Materials under the TRL are not endorsed by the INSARAG and should be viewed as reference material on the adopted practices/technology by other Classified teams.



During the INSARAG Steering Group (ISG) Meeting 2018, a key decision was made for the INSARAG Guidelines Review Group (GRG) to develop the Technical Reference Library (TRL) and update the Guidance Notes. The Guidance Notes would capture INSARAG endorsed documents that are binding, such as the IEC/R checklists, annexes of the guidelines, forms and INSARAG-endorsed manuals and guides.

For more information on the TRL and Guidance Notes, please refer to the following link.

For more information on the INSARAG Guidelines, please refer to the following link.

Document Submission

To upload a document, submit the document and details of the document, using the document submission form and email to the INSARAG Secretariat via [email protected]. For more information on the upload process and workflow, please refer to the following link.