The XVIII Meeting of the INSARAG Regional Group in the Americas and the VI UNDAC Regional Consultation meeting were held jointly from 12-14 November 2019 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The meeting was hosted by the Government of Argentina through the White Helmets Commission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, in its capacity as INSARAG Regional Chair and organized jointly with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), in its capacity as INSARAG Secretariat.

The meeting was opened by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic, Ambassador Jorge Marcelo Faurie in the Palacio San Martin. The Minister underlined his country’s commitment to INSARAG and multilateralism under the coordination of the United Nations, inviting participants to take advantage of the forum of the meeting to promote and improve the work carried out jointly. Ambassador Alejandro Daneri, President of the White Helmets Commission and INSARAG Regional Chair in 2019, Mr. Carlos Passarelli, United Nations Resident Coordinator ad interim and Mr. Dario Alvarez, representative of the OCHA Regional Office also gave welcoming speeches.

A total of 49 participants from 16 countries, as well from the Organization of American Firefighters (OBA in Spanish) and OCHA gathered in the meeting. Countries and organizations were represented by their INSARAG and/or UNDAC focal points.

Unlike previous years, it was this time to fully integrate the UNDAC and INSARAG agenda into one meeting, with the intention of promoting the identification of synergies and increasing the level of awareness of both networks by all participants.

Below is a link to the summary of the meeting. All presentations as well as meeting documents can be found on the meeting website of the Virtual OSOCC (


Chairman Summary


INSARAG: 30 Years Of Urban Search and Rescue

On 6 October 2021 Poland virtually hosted the 3rd INSARAG Global Meeting. The network of policy and technical experts discussed and deliberated on new ways of delivering value-added life-saving assistance, aiming to be fit for the future.

The event provided an opportunity for USAR teams from all over the world to share their expertise and to learn from best practices across the regions striving for a global approach. During the 3rd IGM, the Warsaw Declaration was approved and launched. The theme of the meeting was “Strengthen Quality, Predictability, Speed and Flexibility in Support of National and Local Capacities.”

In 2021, INSARAG is celebrating 30 years of life-saving assistance. The Global Meeting offered a unique opportunity to celebrate the anniversary and launch a series of products  to commemorate INSARAG’s birthday, all of them are available here:

IGM Portal is now available at this link. It is a dedicated website designed as a ‘one-stop shop’ for all of the information related to the 3rd IGM. You can find more information on this link.

3rd IGM 2021 Statistics

• 1-month remote event

• 778 participants in the 5 network meetings

• 1 Global Meeting – Over 350 participants from 150 Member States and organizations
Endorsement of the Warsaw Declaration
Launch of the INSARAG Exposure Story
Launch of This is INSARAG

• 3 Regional Meetings
Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting – 105 participants
Africa-Europe-Middle East Regional Meeting – 100 participants
Americas Regional Meeting – 83 participants

• 1 Technical Working Group and Team Leaders Meeting – 140 participants

• 1 Virtual Exhibition Area
26 virtual exhibition stands established
5 live sessions

• 1 Canvas Sheet
85 photos
4 videos

• 6 Technical Discussion Forums

Endorsed IGM Warsaw Declaration

3rd INSARAG Global Meeting
06 October 21 (13:00-16:00)Recording of the meeting at these links:
– English
– Spanish
Chairman Summary at this link
INSARAG Asia Pacific (AP) Regional Meeting1 September 21 (03:00-06:00)Chairman Summary at this link
INSARAG Africa-Europe-Middle East (AEME) Regional Meeting3 September 21 (08:00-11:00)Recording of the meeting at this link
Technical Meeting of Working Groups and Team Leaders14 September 21 (12:00-14:00)Recording of the meeting at this linkChairman Summary at this link
INSARAG & UNDAC Americas Regional Meeting14 September 21 (19:00-22:00)

Key documents can be consulted here:

IGM Final List of Participants

IGM Programme 2021 




The final phase of the “Disaster Risk Governance Project” for Central America funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) was officially launched on October 5 2022. The general program engulfs three projects tasked to different implementing partners in the Americas region, including, CEPREDENAC, UNDRR, OCHA, and UNDP and unified under one objective of promoting advancements on the 4th priority of the Sendai Framework. The project implemented by UNDP with the technical collaboration of OCHA, involves technical consultations and trainings to consolidate the national USAR accreditation processes and aligning them with established international INSARAG standards towards IRNAP certification or re-certification. The six member states included in this project are Panama, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Guatemala. See photos below.



In its annual meeting of 2019, the Regional Group defined the following priorities for 2020:

  • Contribute to the definition of INSARAG global strategies and priorities
  • Strengthen the IRNAP process
  • Strengthen USAR coordination capacities in the region
  • Strengthen partnerships with “sister” response networks and other partners to increase the efficiency of emergency preparedness and response

These priorities were presented by the Regional Chair to the INSARAG Steering Group in February 2020 and received full endorsement. Since then, all regions across the world have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has a dramatic impact in all aspects of life, at social and economic level, and has further aggravated the situation of vulnerable populations and those in need of humanitarian assistance.

The INSARAG network is adapting to the new reality. In the regional context of the Americas and the Caribbean, the Regional chairmanship group under the leadership of Colombia as Regional Chair is coordinating the required adaptations. On the one hand, all teams are encouraged inasmuch as possible to prepare for a potential response in a Covid-19 environment[1]; and on the other hand, alternative ways are being sought to implement activities of the regional work plan.

Here is the adapted road map (English, Spanish)  for each of the objectives for the year 2020 in the region.


In its face-to-face meeting on 9 February 2018, the Regional Chairmanship Group elaborated the Regional Workplan 2018 (English ,Spanish ), based on the inputs received by the Regional Group in its meeting in 2017. We encourage you to send your comments, contributions and reports on progress to the Chair and the Secretariat.

The Chairmanship Group hopes to count on the participation of all countries of the Regional Group to achieve the objectives of the region.


15-16 May – INSARAG Earthquake Response Exercise Planning and Coordination Course, Buenos Aires, Argentina

23-28 September – INSARAG Methodology Course, San José, Costa Rica

8-12 October – Regional Earthquake Response Exercise, Salta, Argentina

5-6 November – Regional Group Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico

2018 Work Plan

The XVII meeting of the INSARAG Americas Regional Group was held on from 5 to 6 November 2018 in Mexico City, Mexico. It was hosted by the Government of Mexico in its capacity as Regional Chair and prepared jointly with the I and II Vice-chair, Argentina and the Dominican Republic respectively, as well as with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) in its capacity as the INSARAG Secretariat.

The meeting gathered a total of 62 participants from 19 countries of the region and beyond, as well as the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the Centre for Natural Disasters Prevention in Central America (CEPREDENAC), IRO Americas and the Caribbean Disaster Management Agency (CDEMA). The countries, organizations and USAR teams were all represented by their INSARAG focal points or in delegation of the focal points, as well as with some UNDAC members and UNDAC focal points.

Chairman summary 

The INSARAG Training Working Group (TWG) was established with a mandate to focus on the development of training standards and content for the INSARAG community. The TWG takes its direction from the INSARAG Secretariat, which, in turn, follows the direction given by the INSARAG Steering Committee. The group meets two to three times a year. The reports of this working group’s meetings can be found below.

Co-Chair of TWG, Mr. Dewey Perks

 Name  Country  Position   Email
Dewey Perks USA Co-Chair [email protected]
Vacant Co-Chair
Kira Chebakova Rus. Fed Member [email protected]
Jacob Bolwinkel Denmark Member b[email protected] 
Yusuke Minato
Japan Member [email protected]
Daniel Gajewski USA Member [email protected]
Solveig Thorvaldsdottir Iceland Member [email protected]  
Paul Courtney UK Member [email protected]
Ross Bramich Australia Member [email protected]


Leadership Course NL 2023


TWG Meeting Notes of 15 December 2022


TWG Meeting Notes of 24 November 2021

TWG Meeting Notes of 27 October 2021


Following on from the previous online meeting which was held in July, the INSARAG TWG, with representatives of the IMWG, MWG and TL Reps held a further video conference on 12th August. The meeting discussed a variety of current INSARAG matters, ranging from the current IEC/R system review to the recent USAR deployments to the Beirut Explosion. The members also reviewed TWG workstreams, organisation of meetings and the distribution of work packages in order to better fit the challenges we are all facing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

TWG Meeting 8 July 2020

TWG Meeting Notes


TWG Meeting Santiago de Chile October 2019

Chairman’s summary

TWG Meeting Muscat June 2019

The meeting was hosted by the Sultanate of Oman, Royal Oman Police (ROP), Public Authority for Civil Defense and Ambulance (PACDA), in Muscat, Oman. The meeting would not have been possible without the excellent support and generous hospitality of PACDA.

TWG Meeting Notes Muscat June 2019 Final Note


Working Group Meeting, Germany, December 2018

The INSARAG Training Working Group, including representatives from the Team Leaders and Information Management Working Group, met in Berlin from the 10th to the 13th of December. The Group were hosted by Albrecht Broemme, President of THW, at the Regional THW Office in Berlin, and key agenda items for the meeting included; The development of the INSARAG Classification Team Leaders and Mentors Training Course, The continued development of USAR Coordination Course and harmonisation with OSOCC methodology, and Revision of INSARAG Guidelines Volume II, Manual C.

TWG Meeting Notes Berlin 18 Final Draft

Meeting during Team Leader Meeting, September 2018

TWG: Continues working with other WGs on guideline revisions, a new IEC/IER checklist, and a reformatted TL/Mentor course.

Training WG update

Working Group Meeting, Denmark, April 2018

INSARAG Training Working Group (TWG) met in Tinglev, Denmark in the DEMA Emergency Services College from 15 to 18 April 2018

Meeting Note











INSARAG Document Management Procedure
Guidelines Division ISG and OPS
INSARAG Governance PP v0.1
INSARAG OPS Trng Performance & Equip Standard April 2012_V2
INSARAG Advisory Organisation Advisory Process v1.0
Outcomes from TLs Governance Workshop V1.0
USAR Team Description TL Meeting Australia 2012 v2

The meeting was hosted by the LA County USAR Section (USA 2) and was
conducted in Los Angeles, USA, from the 4th – 10th November 2012. Please find attached the Chairman Summary .


The first meeting of the INSARAG TWG in 2011 took place from 30 March–03 April 2011 in Costa Rica back to back with the INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting. Below is the Chairman Summary of this meeting. Please note that the outcomes of this working group are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.
Chairman Summary 

The second and last meeting of the INSARAG TWG in 2011 took place from 9-15 October 2011 in UAE.


The first meeting of the INSARAG TWG in 2010 took place from 25-29 January 2010 in Singapore. Below is the Executive Summary and outcomes of this meeting. Please note that the outcomes of this working group are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.

Agenda and Executive Summary
Establishing National USAR Capacity
Minimum Operational Levels for Light USAR Teams
Minimum Operational Levels for Medium and Heavy USAR Teams

The second and last meeting of the INSARAG TWG in 2010 took place from 13-17 December 2010 in Germany. Below is the Chairman Summary and outcomes of this meeting. Please note that the outcomes of this working group are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group

The INSARAG Medical Working Group (MWG) in keeping with UN General Assembly Resolution 57/150 on “Strengthening the Effectiveness and Coordination of International Urban Search and Rescue Assistance” aims to enhance the INSARAG Guidelines that will enable the medical component of a USAR team and develop relevant medical guidance notes. MWG was established in 2008 with the endorsement from the INSARAG Steering Committee in 2007. This inter-regional working group aims to focus on the medical requirements of international USAR teams being deployed outside their countries of origin. The group meets two to three times a year. The reports of this working group’s meetings can be found below. The medical guidance notes prepared by this working group and endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group can be found in the ‘Methodology’ tab.

 Name  Country Organisation  Region Position Email
Anthony Macintyre USA USAID Americas Co-chair [email protected]
Hector Fuentes Australia AUS-1 DART Asia-Pacific Co-chair [email protected]
Thomas Eckhardt Netherlands USAR.NL AEME Member [email protected]; [email protected]
Malcolm Russell UK ISAR AEME Member [email protected]
Will Selley UK SARAID AEME Member [email protected]
Kevin Ousman WHO WHO AEME Member [email protected]
Charlotte Coopmann France PUI-FRA01 AEME Member [email protected]
Taigo Sakamoto Japan   Asia-Pacific Member [email protected]
Peng Bibo China China Asia-Pacific Member [email protected]
Vincenzo Borgna Chile CHI-01 Americas Member [email protected] 
Trevor Glass UK   AEME Associate Technical Expert Member [email protected]>


Chairman`s Summary – AAR and AEME Regional Meeting 2023 Qatar

Chairman’s Summary – Team Leaders Meeting 2023 Singapore

Participant List – Team Leaders Meeting 2023 Singapore


MWG Geneva 2022 Chairman’s Summary Link

Attachment A: Participant List Link

Attachment B: MWG Agenda Link

Attachment C: MWG Input into the Flexible Response WG Link

Attachment D: MWG Update 10 May Link

Attachment E: Common Elements of Essential Information Relevant to both INSARAG and WHO EMTs Link

Attachment F: Hospital Assessment V4 Link

Attachment G: Recommendations regarding the documentation of vaccinations given to Team Members Link


Joint Statement Issued by INSARAG MWG and WHO EMT – V19 May 2021 Link

Medical Working Group Monthly meeting minutes_May 2021 Link

Medical Working Group Covid-19 USAR Response Technical Note Link


Medical Working Group Virtual Meeting minutes held on 27 August 2020 Link


MWG products during the Team Leaders Course in Chile 2019

Attachment A – Attachment B – Attachment C – Attachment E – Attachment F – Attachment G – Attachment H

Chairmans Summary

Here you can find the Patient treatment form 

INSARAG USAR Medical Team acceptance document


Attached the updated Medical Working Group, which was held in Romania

Medical WG update


The INSARAG Medical Working Group (MWG) met in Bali, Indonesia, on the 16-17 October 2017.
This meeting was hosted by BASARNAS of the Indonesia Government and co-organised by the INSARAG Secretariat.
Representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO) participated in the meeting as well.

C-Defining USAR medicine
D-INSARAG USAR Medical Team acceptance
E-Common essential elements of information between USAR and EMT
F-Patient Treatment Form Final
INSARAG MWG Meeting Minutes

The INSARAG Medical Working Group (MWG) met in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), on the 15-16 October 2015.
This meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Interior of the Government of the United Arab Emirates and co-organised by the INSARAG Secretariat.
Representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) participated in the meeting as well.
Chairman’s summary of MWG Meeting 2015


The first meeting of the INSARAG MWG in 2012 took place from 19-23 March 2012 in Australia parallel with the INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting. Below is the Chairman Summary and outcomes of this meeting. Please note that these outcomes are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.
Chairman Summary (English)
Patient Treatment Record


The first meeting of the INSARAG MWG in 2011 took place from 30 March–03 April 2011 in Costa Rica back to back with the INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting. Below is the Chairman Summary and outcomes of this meeting. Please note that these outcomes are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.

Final Chairman Summary INSARAG MWG 2011 (English)
Annex A MWG Participants List
Annex B Final MWG Meeting Agenda
Annex C Emerg2011Poster
Annex D Cuba Meeting Proceedings
Annex E Survival Interval in Earthquake Entrapments
Annex F Optimizing Medical Response to Large Scale Disasters The Ad Hoc Collaborative Health Care System Letter to editor

The second and last meeting of the INSARAG MWG in 2011 took place from 18-22 November 2011 in South Africa back to back with the INSARAG/UNDAC Awareness Training. Please note that these outcomes are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.
Chairman Summary

Outcomes of the meeting can be found below:
Medical Relief After Earthquakes: It’s Time for a New Paradigm
INSARAG Patient Treatment Record


The first meeting of the INSARAG MWG in 2010 took place from 21-25 March 2010 in UAE in parallel with the INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting. Please find attached the Chairman Summary and its annexes/outcomes of this meeting. Please note that these outcomes are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.
INSARAG MWG Meeting Chairman Summary (English)
Annex A Meeting Participants
Annex B MWG Terms of Reference
Annex C Summary of Discussions Points
Annex D Draft Recovery and Deceased
Annex E Data Collection and Publication
Annex F IEC Expert Classifier CV Form
Annex G IEC Schedule

The second meeting of the INSARAG MWG for 2010 took place from 24-28 May 2010 in Switzerland before the INSARAG Steering Group Meeting. Please find attached the Chairman Summary and its annexes/outcomes of this meeting. Please note that these outcomes are not official INSARAG documents until they are endorsed by the INSARAG Steering Group.
INSARAG MWG Meeting Chairman Summary (English)
INSARAG Guidelines Medical Supplement 24.05.10 – Final.doc
Draft MEDICAL GUIDANCE NOTE Provision of Medical Care
Draft MEDICAL GUIDANCE NOTE Recovery of Deceased 
Draft MEDICAL GUIDANCE NOTE Identification of USAR Medical Personnel
Draft MEDICAL GUIDANCE NOTE Post Mission Medical Reporting

The third and last meeting of the INSARAG MWG in 2010 took place from 13-17 September 2010 in Japan in parallel with the INSARAG Global Meeting. Please find attached the Chairman Summary.
INSARAG MWG Meeting Chairman Summary (English)


The first meeting of the INSARAG MWG in 2009 took place from 13-16 January 2009 in UAE. Please find attached the Chairman Summary and its annexes/outcomes of this meeting.
Chairman Summary

The second meeting of the INSARAG MWG in 2009 took place from 15-17 April 2009 in Australia. Please find attached the Chairman Summary and its annexes/outcomes of this meeting.
Chairman Summary


The inaugural meeting of the INSARAG MWG took place from 8-10 May 2008 in UK back-to-back with the INSARAG Team Leaders Meeting. Please find attached the Chairman Summary this meeting.
Chairman Summary

Current LTQAWG membership:

Brad Commens Australia Asia-Pacific Co-Chair [email protected]
Rob Davis UK AEME Co-Chair [email protected]
Christophe Debray France AEME Member [email protected]
Johannes Gust Germany AEME Member [email protected]
Cem Behar Turkey AEME Member [email protected]

2022 Update

The first Light USAR IEC was completed during the INSIEME Exercise in Switzerland from 21-24 November 2021. This exercise had previously bee delayed by 18 months due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, and was conducted in the colder months, providing additional challenges for all teams. Following the successful exercise a review of the IEC was conducted by the LTQAWG via VidCon on 20 December 2021 after the IEC report was released.

A Review of Light USAR Team Classification – @fire November 2021 was prepared to review the Process, Observations and Recommendations from the Light IEC, and was provided to the INSARAG Secretariat on 28 January 2022. A follow up meeting was held in conjunction with the Team Leader’s meeting in Qatar on 7&8 March 2022, confirming that:

  • The Light USAR IEC process has been developed and proven in practice.
  • A review of the Light IEC process has been completed
  • No changes to the Checklist are currently recommended
  • Further improvements to the concept are expected in the future for flexibility as required by INSARAG.
  • Classified Light Teams will provide more Classifiers to the global pool.
  • Light USAR team concept is progressing for recognition by the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (ECPM) in 2022. RE: Council Decision No. 1313/2013/EU
  • Three Light USAR Teams are progressing to IEC in 2022

Recommendations were tabled during the Team Leaders meeting for the LTQAWG to transition to a reference group (Light Team Quality Assurance Reference Group – LTQARG), to provide technical and concept advice to Teams, Mentors and Classifiers involved in future Light USAR IEC/R activities, until the concept is universally accepted and understood throughout the network. This recommendation was approved by the INSARAG Steering Group (ISG) during the HNPW meeting on 10 May 2022, transitioning the group to LTQARG.

Three Light USAR IEC’s are planned for 2022 for teams; GEA-Turkey; SARAID – United Kingdom; and Cyprus. The LTQARG update information from the 2022 ISG are here

Review of Light Team Classification – @fire November 2021



A LTQAWG meeting was conducted in conjunction with the @fire pre-exercise brief on 28 September 2021 (Slide brief provided). This meeting provided an overview of the Light USAR concept and considerations for the upcoming IEC (@fire).

The key discussion points during the virtual meeting included the overview of a light team IEC, and the focus on achieving the required assessment items in a reduced timeframe, as a result of only two work periods instead of the standard three periods for a continuous 24 hour exercise.

In November 2021, the first classification of a Light USAR team (@fire) to INSARAG IEC standards was completed as part of the INSIEME excercise, in Geneva.

Following the Light USAR IEC, a review of the process will be conducted by the LTQAWG members to highlight any areas of amendment required to progress the Light IEC process for future benefit.

This review will require the disclosure of the Light IEC report by the @fire team to assist with the analysis of the effective classification process.

A final LTQAWG meeting is planned fot the Working Group/Team Leader meeting in Qatar in March 2022, at which time a decision on the future of the LTQAWG will be agreed.

LTWG Review of @fire IEC

October 2019 Team Leaders Meeting Chile

INSARAG Light team Working Group Chairman Summary 

Attached, the Classified Light Usar Team Position

Completed work of the LTWG:

The document “Introduction LT” describes the concept of International Light Teams. At this moment the Guidelines text for the GRG has been assembled and rewritten on the Light concept and needs a final check to see if it is complete. The results will be shared with you before the coming summer holidays.

The document “Quality Assurance explanations” describes the advice of the LTWG to the new QAWG. A PowerPoint presentation is added to clarify the text and to show how a classification process could be setup for International Light. And at the same time could be used for a discussion about the classification process for Medium and Heavy in the future in the attempt to reduce the amount of work to assure the existing quality.

The document “USAR scale” explains the differences between national, regional and international deployment of USAR teams and the need for the type of quality assurance. The LTWG thinks that this document will clarify the inter-linkage between International Light teams and existing systems National-, Neighbour assistance- and classified International Medium and Heavy teams. A PowerPoint “National Regional and International assistance scale”  is added to show the build-up of a large scale incident.

The document “LTWG Meeting Chairman summary Valabre” is a reflection of the work of the LTWG during the final meeting in France in April 2017.


  • Designing the classification process for Light Teams and preparing the documentation for the implementation of international light teams in the system

Light Team WG update

At the INSARAG Steering Group Meeting (ISG) in 2016, the group directed the Secretariat to initiate the establishment of an INSARAG Light Teams Working Group (LTWG) with clear terms of reference and to request INSARAG regional groups to nominate suitable members. Relevant members from existing working groups could be co-opted. The LTWG will take the lead and, following consultations with the regional groups in 2016, present the recommendations to the ISG of 2017 for a decision.

The LTWG is made up of representatives coming from the three INSARAG Regional Groups, and are selected from different USAR Teams Heavy, Medium and non-classified teams selected by the Secretariat. The LTWG is chaired by Arjan Stam, Team leader from the Dutch USAR team, chair of the UCC in the earthquake of Nepal, IEC/IER Team leader and the member of the GRG.

The first meeting of the LTWG was held in Geneva from 15-17 June 2016 and was also attended by the Chair of the TWG Mr Dewey Perks.

Chairman’s Summary – First LTWG Meeting 15-17 June 2016

Discussion paper

Proposal External support and Validation process National Accreditation_ENG








Peter Wolff Germany THW SEEBA AEME Co-Chair [email protected]
Jeff Maunder New Zealand Fire and Emergency NZ Asia – Pacific Co-Chair [email protected]
Whitney Veen The Netherlands HQ USAR.NL AEME Member [email protected]
Chew Keng Tok Singapore DART Unit Singapore Asia – Pacific Member [email protected]
Solveig Thorvaldsdottir Iceland Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue AEME Member [email protected]
John Morrison United States USA -1 Americas Member [email protected]
Aidan Elliot New Zealand Asia – Pacific Technical consultant [email protected]

2023 Updates

Information Management Working Group – ToR

IMWG – Meeting Minutes June 2023 – link

2022 Updates

ICMS Pre-Course Presentation – Link

System & Coordination Overview – Link

ICMS Team Activity – Link

ICMS Coordination Activity – Link

USAR Coordination – Link

Meeting Notes-Link

IMWG Minutes – 14/09/21 –


IMWG Minutes – 06/07/2021 – Link

IMWG Minutes – 08/06/2021 – Link

  • ICMS Handbook (English version)
    • ICMS – EXCON Guide Link
    • ICMS – RDC Guide Link
    • ICMS – Team Guide Link
    • ICMS – UCC Guide Link
  • ICMS Handbook (Spanish version)
    • ICMS – EXCON Guide Link
    • ICMS – RDC Guide Link
    • ICMS – Team Guide Link
    • ICMS – UCC Guide Link
  • ICMS Handbook (Italian version)
    • ICMS – EXCON Guide Link
    • ICMS – RDC Guide Link
    • ICMS – Team Guide Link
    • ICMS – UCC Guide Link
  • Minutes of IMWG Meeting on 06/10/2020 Link
  • Minutes of IMWG meeting on 05/05/2020 Link

MWG products during the Team Leaders  Meeting in Chile 2019:


  • The attached workflow explains each phase of the INSARAG process and who completes the appropriate forms. This document is designed to show the INSARAG workflow using the ArcGIS Survey123, Explorer and Dashboard apps.
  • ESRI Guide
  • Establishing 5 strategic objectives in order to provide an effective data management methodology that will ensure a coordinated and comprehensive collection, analysis and reporting capability.
  • Information Management WG update

The larger group would facilitate effective taskings and coverage in the operational implementation phase of IMWG in actual disaster response. The IMWG’s primary objective as stated in the ToRs will oversee the ongoing implementation and operationalisation of the IMWG Toolbox in training and in actual field operations. The IMWG will develop jointly with OCHA and Technical Partners, a manual that includes guidance for Information Management, at USAR team management and UCC levels, and activation protocols for actual disaster response. Furthermore, the IMWG will also develop the 5 criteria for the IEC/R checklist 2018.

The first IMWG WEBEX Meeting was held last 29 June 2017 CEST and was fully attended by all the members of the working group

INSARAG Classified teams per regions

Africa-Europe-Middle East 42

Americas 4

Asia Pacific 11

57 Teams

Heavy INSARAG Classified teams per regions

Africa-Europe-Middle East 22

Americas 2

Asia Pacific 9

Medium INSARAG Classified teams per regions

Asia Pacific 2 Africa-Europe-Middle East 17

Americas 2

Asia-Pacific 2