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For your reference, please find attached the administrative manual used by the United States which provides a guide to train and maintain qualified personnel for their National Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Response System. 
For further information please contact [email protected] who will refer you to the focal point.

Training Program Administration Manual by FEMA USA

Other reference/documents:

Thirty Two Long Months: Syria First Responder Program by AKUT, Turkey (January 2016)

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The UN GA Resolution 57/150 of 16 December 2002 on “Strengthening the Effectiveness and Coordination of International USAR Assistance” stresses the need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) assistance. A key factor in achieving this objective is the ongoing development of USAR capacity, especially within countries with a high risk of structural collapse from either natural or technical disasters.

Countries may look to develop USAR capacity for domestic purposes only, or they may look to develop capacity with the view to becoming an international donor of USAR response assistance. Either way however, countries are encouraged to develop USAR capacity in accordance with the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) Guidelines. The INSARAG Guidelines, developed and practiced by emergency responders from around the world, serve to guide international USAR teams and disaster-affected countries during international USAR response operations as well as providing guidance on how to develop USAR capacity.

A USAR Capacity Assessment Mission aims to identify existing capacities and determine the required capacities according to the country’s USAR objectives. This provides an indication of the gaps between the current capacity and the required capacity which in turn assists in defining the USAR capacity development strategy.

The INSARAG network provides unique access to a pool of experienced, qualified USAR experts that are able to conduct an assessment of existing capacity, mapped against needs and who are then able to assist with the design and subsequent implementation of USAR Capacity Development initiatives.

Building the first tier of local capability involves the training and development of existing local emergency services and community responders to meet the needs of the affected population at the onset of the incident. Termed ‘USAR First Responders’, their role at the initial phase of an incident is that of: 

— Assessing the nature and scale of the incident

— Rescue and basic casualty care in the initial stages of a collapse incident

— Providing information to domestic decision-makers about the event

— Requesting the appropriate resources required to successfully complete the rescue phase 

First Responder Networks would be most effective in areas where no organised USAR capability exists, as well as areas where any USAR response from structured teams may be delayed. It is envisaged that USAR First Responders will typically be personnel working in the local community or staff of local government organisations tasked with emergency management or response. For example; local police, medical staff or fire-fighters, government workers (including civil protection) or members of volunteer organisations.

To assist in the development of USAR First Responders, INSARAG has developed the First Responders Training Package. More information regarding INSARAG First Responder Training can be found in the link below. 

First Responders Training Package

INSARAG First Responder Training Programme — v. Feb 2015

First Responders Training Package (Presentations) 


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«Therefore urges and highly recommends that building national, local and community capacity is critical for effective response to earthquakes, collapsed structure and other related emergencies in a rapidly urbanizing world, and welcomes the work undertaken by the INSARAG network to develop recommendations for operational and organisational guidelines for capacity building of national USAR teams, and encourage Member States to support such efforts.»

(INSARAG Hyogo Declaration paragraph no. 5, September 2010)

1. The INSARAG network is strongly encouraged to assist disaster prone countries in developing the capacity of their national USAR teams. In this context, the term «national USAR team» refers to a USAR team, which is employed at the national level but not encouraged to deploy internationally. This can be a governmental team or non-governmental team. INSARAG has utilized the experience gained both in the IEC process as well as in existing capacity building programs of its members to develop recommended organisational and operational standards for national USAR teams in order to provide Member States with guidance for the development of national USAR capacity.

2. The guidance is meant to provide globally accepted standards for national USAR teams to develop an operational and organisational capacity. By promoting common standards for national USAR teams, the INSARAG network aims to provide guidance for capacity building efforts as well as enhance the interoperability of national USAR teams with international teams in major emergencies within their countries.

3. Furthermore, the recommended standards for national USAR teams provide a valuable tool to the INSARAG community to promote and disseminate the INSARAG guidelines and methodology to the vast majority of USAR teams worldwide that are for national use.

4. The organisational and operational guidelines for national USAR teams are developed as a guidance document for capacity building of national teams so that there are common operational standards around the world. Countries with INSARAG IEC classified international USAR teams are strongly encouraged to assist the capacity building process in developing countries and provide guidance to other national teams in their own country.

5. Countries are encouraged to adopt (at the appropriate level) the INSARAG organisational and operational guidelines for capacity building of national USAR teams as a target achievement for its national USAR teams and to adopt appropriate processes for the confirmation of achievement of these standards.

6. The confirmation of achievement of the capabilities of a national USAR team is the responsibility of the national authorities of the concerned country.

7. When a national USAR team meets the target of the organisational and operational guidelines, the country is encouraged to inform the INSARAG Secretariat through its INSARAG national focal point. The INSARAG Secretariat will register this team as «nationally classified USAR team» at the level of light, medium or heavy in the USAR Directory.

8. If a Government wishes to ask for support in this process, it can contact the INSARAG Secretariat or the INSARAG Regional Group for further advice.

9. Any external confirmation is voluntary, optional and complementary to national processes and is not to be confused with the INSARAG IEC process. For a USAR team that is planned to deploy internationally, the INSARAG IEC process remains as the only classification system.

The checklist and details of the INSARAG Organisational and Operational Guidelines for Capacity Building of National USAR Teams can be found at the INSARAG Guidelines Chapter G. 

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The most successful USAR resource is one that can be in position directly following an incident of structural collapse. Understanding this, the INSARAG has committed itself to capacity building projects in countries that would likely benefit from local USAR capacity. Using the wealth of USAR experience resident in the INSARAG, the group has developed documents and courses available to countries wanting to develop local USAR capacity. It is also possible for INSARAG to arrange capacity assessment missions to countries needing review of existing systems or lack thereof.




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Qatar Search and Rescue Team (QSART) has successfully undergone an INSARAG External Classification Exercise from 22 to 25 November 2015, and having fully met all the criteria established in the INSARAG Guidelines, is classified as a Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team on 25 November 2015.



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44th IEC Team:

USAR Estonia Team (EST-USAR) has successfully undergone an INSARAG External Classification Exercise

from 2 to 5 November 2015, and having fully met all the criteria established in the INSARAG Guidelines,

has been classified as a Medium Urban Search and Rescue Team on 5 November 2015. Congratulations!

(click the photos to enlarge) 

 Drilling MFA_Meeting PatientCare


RopeRescue_3 TeamLeaders_meeting TrainingHouse 



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Danish Search and Rescue Team (DEMA) — HUSAR and Belgium First Aid and Support Team (BFAST) — MUSAR
have successfully undergone an INSARAG External Reclassification Exercise from 28 September to 3 October 2015
and having fully met all the criteria established in the INSARAG Guidelines, has been classified on 3 October 2015.
The two exercises were conducted jointly in Tinglev in Denmark. Congratulations. 



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Attached an artcle from the French journal «SECOURISTE MAGAZINE» regarding the French classification.



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Armenian Urban Search and Rescue Team has successfully undergone an INSARAG External Classification Exercise

from 1 to 4 September 2015 and having fully met all the criteria established in the INSARAG Guidelines,

has been classified as a Medium USAR Team on 4 September 2015.


Please click here for the Video clip of Armenian IEC


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Czech Urban Search and Rescue Team has successfully undergone an INSARAG External Reclassification Exercise from 15 to 19 June 2015, and having fully met all the criteria established in the INSARAG Guidelines, is reclassified as a Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team on 19 June 2015. Congratulations!


Photos will be up soon!



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Pompiers de L’Urgence Internationale (PUI) Team has successfully undergone an INSARAG External Reclassification Exercise from 2 to 5 June 2015, and having fully met all the criteria established in the INSARAG Guidelines, has been reclassified as a Medium Urban Search and Rescue Team on 5 June 2015. Congratulations.


_MG_1233 _MG_1246


_MG_1276 _MG_1322


_MG_1353 _MG_1373


_MG_1389 _MG_1418


_MG_5620 L1005661








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Please find below the list of IEC/R 2015








2-5 March



IER — Heavy


8-12 March

New Zealand


IEC – Heavy


1-5 April

Saudi Arabia

USAR Saudi

IEC – Heavy


2-5 June



IER – Medium


15-19 June

Czech Republic


IER – Heavy


1-4 September



IEC – Medium


28 Sep – 02 Oct



IER – Heavy


28 Sep – 02 Oct



IER – Medium


2-5 November



IEC – Medium


23-25 November



IEC – Heavy





IER — Heavy



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SAUDI SEARCH AND RESCUE TEAM (SASART) has successfully undergone an INSARAG External Classification Exercise from 2 to 5 April 2015, and having fully met all the criteria established in the INSARAG Guidelines, has been classified as a Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team on 5 April 2015. Congratulations.











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New Zealand Urban Search and Rescue Team has successfully undergone an INSARAG External Classification Exercise from 8 to 11 March 2015, and having fully met all the criteria established in the INSARAG Guidelines, has been classified as a Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team on 11 March 2015.




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Japan Disaster Relief Team has successfully undergone an INSARAG External Reclassification Exercise

from 2 to 5 March 2015, and having fully met all the criteria established in the INSARAG Guidelines,

has been reclassified as a Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team on 5 March 2015.


The review process was done by expert classifiers from Austria, China, Russia, Singapore, and Switzerland.

Throughout the IER, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, OCHA ROAP and ESB-FCSS as the INSARAG

Secretariat are engaged in the exercises.















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After an intense training in life-like disaster conditions, a Moroccan team is ready to search
through rubble with one goal: save as many lives as possible.
Read more! (OCHA NET)



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The joint event of INSARAG External Classification (IEC) of USAR MOROCCO and INSARAG

External Reclassification (IER) of SWISS RESCUE was held from 27th to 30th October 2014.

The teams have successfully undergone the exercise, have fully met all the criteria established

in the INSARAG Guidelines and were classified as a Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team

on 30th October 2014. The Moroccan USAR Team is the first African USAR team to be classified

and is setting an example for other African countries. Because of exceptional Swiss support,

the Moroccan USAR team demonstrated a realistic deployment during this IEC by deploying

to Berne and Geneva from Morocco. With Morocco’s classification, INSARAG has successfully

classified 40 teams from 33 countries.






IEC of Italy — November 2018

IEC of Colombia — March 2018

IEC of Armenia — September 2015

INSARAG Polex 2013

INSARAG Asia-Pacific Regional Exercise (Nepal)

IEC-Klassifizierung SARUV (Mai 2011)

EMERCOM Classification 2011 video 1

EMERCOM Classification 2011 video 2

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The IEC/IER Handbook provides guidance to teams aiming to achieve INSARAG External Classification (IEC) or aim to renew their IEC through an INSARAG External Reclassification (IER) process. It describes these two processes that form the INSARAG Classification System. It furthermore provides guidance for peer reviewers on how to conduct an IEC/IER. 

IEC/IER Handbook 2012 Version (Russian)

IEC/IER Handbook 2012 Version (English) 


List of Annexes 

Annex A — IEC-IER Checklist 2013

Annex B — Directory of International SAR Teams

Annex C — 1-8 TORPS

Annex D — IEC-IER Classifiers Application Form

Annex E — IEC-IERMentors Application Form

Annex F — IEC Two-year Planning Timeline

Annex G — IEC Application Phase 1

Annex H — IEC/IER Mentors Assessment Report

Annex I — IEC-IER Application Phase 2

Annex J — IEC/IER Report Template

Annex K — IER Two-year Planning Timeline


The following documents explain the phases of the IEC and IER process:

IEC Process 

IER Process 

This page is being provided to facilitate access to BSITF and ASITF.

Advanced and Basic Security In The Field.

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Once a USAR team and its sponsoring organisation have agreed to undergo the IEC, it is required to submit an application to the INSARAG Secretariat making use of the IEC Application Phase 1 Form (Annex E of the IEC/IER Guidelines).

The requirements for this application are as follows:

  • The country’s INSARAG Focal Point is required to submit a written application to the INSARAG Secretariat stating that the USAR team would voluntarily like to undergo an IEC;
  • This application must be submitted to the INSARAG Secretariat a minimum of two years prior to the planned date.However it is important to note that due to the demand for IECs, it is more likely that the team will have to wait longer than two years before it can be scheduled;
  • This application must be completed in English where possible. Where this is not possible, a covering letter in English must accompany any non-English documents briefly explaining its contents;
  • Regardless of whether a USAR team is an official government team, a non-governmental team or combination thereof, it requires the formal support of the country’s INSARAG Focal Point in order to be eligible to undergo an IEC;
  • The application form includes the requirements for the abbreviated Portfolio of Evidence (PoE). 

Upon receipt of the written application and the abbreviated PoE, the INSARAG Secretariat will evaluate whether the USAR team in questionis likely to attain the standards required for the IEC within the available timeline. If the INSARAG Secretariat is satisfied with the initial substantiation of the team’s capability, it will:

  • Inform that country’s INSARAG Focal Point in writing that the team has been successful in its application;
  •   Allocate a provisional IEC exercise date;
  • Enter the IEC into the schedule of upcoming IECs which is available on the Virtual OSOCC. 

On the issue of prioritising teams on the IEC queue, a decision given by the INSARAG Steering Group in 2010 says that for the new teams requesting for an IEC, the relevant INSARAG Regional Group during their annual regional meeting will discuss and present recommendations in the next INSARAG Steering Group meeting on the geographical spread of the IEC and recommend the priority of teams to be classified in their region.

If the INSARAG Secretariat is not satisfied with the initial substantiation of the team’s capabilities, it will inform that country’s INSARAG Focal Point in writing indentifying the areas of concern.