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In its face-to-face meeting on 5 February 2016, the Regional Chairmanship Group elaborated the Regional Workplan 2016 (English ,Spanish ), based on the inputs received by the Regional Group in its meeting in 2015. We encourage you to send your comments and contributions to the Chair and the Secretariat.

The Chairmanship Group hopes to count on the participation of all countries of the Regional Group to achieve the objectives of the region.



  • Template on entry requirements of international USAR teams (English, Spanish )

 The template was first created and presented to the Regional Group in 2014, then tested in 2015 and finalised by the Regional Chairmanship Group in 2016. It is expected that countries complete the format and share it in case of emergency requiring the deployment of international USAR teams through the Virtual OSOCC . 

  • Capacity assessment of USAR teams in the Americas region, 2014 (English , Spanish )

This is a capacity assessment carried out by the INSARAG Americas Regional Group of the capacity of national USAR teams in the region. The data collection process was carried out in 2013 and the processing and analysis finalised in 2014. It was carried out by the Regional Chairmanship Group through the INSARAG focal points of countries.