95 participants from 31 countries and organizations working on urban search and rescue (USAR) gathered for the annual International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) Asia-Pacific (A-P) Regional Meeting in c, on 14 – 15 September 2017.

The meeting was held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, hosted by the Government of Malaysia Regional Chair 2016, and co-organized by OCHA in its capacity as the INSARAG Secretariat that is located in the Field Coordination Support Section (FCSS) of the Emergency Services Branch (ESB) in OCHA Geneva.


Annex A – Participant List

Annex B – Agenda AP Meeting 2017

Annex C  – DRAFT Summary of Breakout Discussions

Annex D – Summary of AP Strategy and Workplan 2018

Annex D1 – INSARAG AP Regional Group Strategic Plan 2016-20

INSARAG AP Meeting Summary 14-15 Malaysia 2017