Chair of IMWG WG, Mr. Peter Wolf







Peter Wolff Germany THW SEEBA AEME Co-Chair
Jeff Maunder New Zealand Fire and Emergency NZ Asia – Pacific Co-Chair
Whitney Veen The Netherlands HQ USAR.NL AEME Member
Chew Keng Tok Singapore DART Unit Singapore Asia – Pacific Member
Solveig Thorvaldsdottir Iceland Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue AEME Member
John Morrison United States USA -1 Americas Member
Aidan Elliot New Zealand Asia – Pacific Technical consultant
Daryl Rush Australia AUS-1 Asia – Pacific Member 
John Hanke United States Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Americas Technical consultant

2023 Updates

Information Management Working Group – ToR

IMWG – Meeting Minutes June 2023 – link

2022 Updates

ICMS Pre-Course Presentation – Link

System & Coordination Overview – Link

ICMS Team Activity – Link

ICMS Coordination Activity – Link

USAR Coordination – Link

Meeting Notes-Link

IMWG Minutes – 14/09/21 –


IMWG Minutes – 06/07/2021 – Link

IMWG Minutes – 08/06/2021 – Link

  • ICMS Handbook (English version)
    • ICMS – EXCON Guide Link
    • ICMS – RDC Guide Link
    • ICMS – Team Guide Link
    • ICMS – UCC Guide Link
  • ICMS Handbook (Spanish version)
    • ICMS – EXCON Guide Link
    • ICMS – RDC Guide Link
    • ICMS – Team Guide Link
    • ICMS – UCC Guide Link
  • ICMS Handbook (Italian version)
    • ICMS – EXCON Guide Link
    • ICMS – RDC Guide Link
    • ICMS – Team Guide Link
    • ICMS – UCC Guide Link
  • Minutes of IMWG Meeting on 06/10/2020 Link
  • Minutes of IMWG meeting on 05/05/2020 Link

MWG products during the Team Leaders  Meeting in Chile 2019:


  • The attached workflow explains each phase of the INSARAG process and who completes the appropriate forms. This document is designed to show the INSARAG workflow using the ArcGIS Survey123, Explorer and Dashboard apps.
  • ESRI Guide
  • Establishing 5 strategic objectives in order to provide an effective data management methodology that will ensure a coordinated and comprehensive collection, analysis and reporting capability.
  • Information Management WG update

The larger group would facilitate effective taskings and coverage in the operational implementation phase of IMWG in actual disaster response. The IMWG’s primary objective as stated in the ToRs will oversee the ongoing implementation and operationalisation of the IMWG Toolbox in training and in actual field operations. The IMWG will develop jointly with OCHA and Technical Partners, a manual that includes guidance for Information Management, at USAR team management and UCC levels, and activation protocols for actual disaster response. Furthermore, the IMWG will also develop the 5 criteria for the IEC/R checklist 2018.

The first IMWG WEBEX Meeting was held last 29 June 2017 CEST and was fully attended by all the members of the working group