INSARAG Working Groups Co-Chairs (as of 16-10-2024)

Guidelines Review Group (GRG)
John Cawcutt [[email protected]]
Martin Evers [[email protected]]

Secretariat Focal Point:
Lucien Jaggi [[email protected]]
National Capacity Building WG
Wahyudi L. Putra [wahyudi_L[email protected]]
Sebastian Mocarquer[[email protected]]

Secretariat Focal Point:
Haruka Ezaki [[email protected]]
Training WG
Dewey Perks [[email protected]]  
Solveig Thorvaldsdottir [[email protected]]

Secretariat Focal Point:
Lucien Jaggi [[email protected]]
Quality Assurance IEC/R WG
Annika Coll [[email protected] ]
David Sochor [[email protected]]  

Secretariat Focal Point:
Stefania Trassari [[email protected]]
Medical WG
Anthony Macintyre []
Hector Fuentes []

Secretariat Focal Point:
Clement Kalonga [[email protected]]
Search and Rescue in Flood Response WG
Russ Gauden [[email protected]]
Jeremy Stubbs [[email protected]]
Jose Solla [[email protected]]

Secretariat Focal Point:
Ana Maria Rebaza [[email protected]]
Information Management WG
Peter Wolff [peter.[email protected]]
Jeff Maunder [[email protected]]

Secretariat Focal Point:
Lucien Jaggi [[email protected]]