The INSARAG Steering Group unanimously endorsed the new INSARAG Guidelines 2015, and the new Guidelines is put into effect as of 11 February 2015.
Please be informed that the 2015 Guidelines consist of three volumes:
Volume II: Preparedness and Response
Volume III: Operational Field Guide
The INSARAG Guidelines Volume II, Manual C provides guidance to teams aiming to achieve INSARAG External Classification (IEC) or aim to renew their IEC through an INSARAG External Reclassification (IER) process. It describes these two processes that form the INSARAG Classification System. It furthermore provides guidance for peer reviewers on how to conduct an IEC/IER.
IEC/Rs taking place after 1 April 2015 will be based on the IEC/R Checklist 2015 found in Volume II, Manual C – IEC/R Process.
The new guidelines and excel version of IEC Checklist 2018 (English Version)
IEC Checklist 2015 in French
For any further information, please contact INSARAG Secretariat at [email protected].