Membership in INSARAG is open to all countries and organizations involved in Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) activities. Countries interested in joining the INSARAG network are required to designate a national focal point, which will serve as the primary interface between the INSARAG Regional Group and the INSARAG Secretariat.


Organizations seeking to apply for INSARAG membership should submit an official request to the INSARAG Secretariat through their respective INSARAG National Focal Points, along with the completed USAR team profile form. Organizations from countries with an established national INSARAG focal point are encouraged to express their interest through this designated contact. If no national focal point has been designated, organizations may reach out directly to the INSARAG Secretariat.

Although it is strongly recommended that USAR teams deploying internationally undergo the INSARAG External Classification (IEC), this is not a requirement for INSARAG membership, as the IEC process is voluntary (please refer to the IEC page for more details). Countries without existing USAR capacity, but who anticipate needing USAR assistance or are in the process of developing local USAR capabilities, are equally welcome to become INSARAG members.

INSARAG members are part of a global knowledge-sharing network focused on collapsed structure rescue and operational field coordination. They are invited to attend annual meetings of their relevant INSARAG Regional Group, participate in USAR Team Leaders meetings, and engage in INSARAG working groups. Members also gain access to INSARAG’s information and knowledge-sharing tools, including the “Virtual OSOCC” (Virtual On-Site Operations Coordination Centre) and the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS), which provide alert notifications during sudden-onset disasters and offer real-time updates and coordination throughout ongoing emergencies. The responsibilities associated with INSARAG membership are outlined in the INSARAG Guidelines.