The Netherlands USAR team USAR.NL successfully completing their third heavy reclassification during the EU MODEX in Lisbon last week!

The Netherlands first completed their INSARAG External Classification (IEC) in 2007, followed by their first INSARAG External Reclassification (IER) in 2011 and their second IER in 2019. Their successful reclassification in Lisbon last week underscores the team’s consistent commitment to excellence and their ongoing dedication to search and rescue operations worldwide.

This achievement represents another important milestone in their unwavering focus on maintaining high standards in international search and rescue. The hard work of the Netherlands benefits the capacity of the whole network to achieve its vision.

Congratulations, USAR.NL!

INSARAG Team Leaders and Working Groups Meetings – February 2025

GEA is 30 Years Old!

A word from our INSARAG Global Chairman

INSARAG has become a global model for assistance, and I am honored to be the Global Chair of such a dynamic, highly respected, professional, and disciplined network. I believe that we are continuously inspiring better collaboration in the field of urban search and rescue, and I am sure that we will continue to do so for many more decades.

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Ambassador Dominik Stillhart

INSARAG Chairman