The INSARAG Secretariat can hold ad-hoc events, for example to discuss the lessons learnt from major earthquake responses. These events are open to INSARAG members.
2023: After-Action Review of the INSARAG USAR response to the Türkiye and Syria Earthquakes
Short – Analysis & Recommendations for INSARAG
Analysis & Recommendations for INSARAG
2010: Haiti Earthquake After Action Review Meeting:
Below are the recommendations report of this meeting and a book regarding the Haiti earthquake international urban search and rescue response and Haiti Earthquake After Action Review Meeting.
Haiti Earthquake Response (Book)
Haiti Earthquake AAR Meeting Recommendations Report -English
Haiti Earthquake AAR Meeting Recommendations Report -Spanish
2004: Iran/Bam and Morocco Earthquakes Lessons Learned Meeting:
Below is the Chairman Summary of the meeting organised to discuss international urban search and rescue response lessons learned from Iran/Bam (2003) and Morocco (2004) earthquakes.
Iran/Morocco Lessons Learned Meeting
2003: Algerian Earthquake Lessons Learned Meeting:
Below is the Chairman Summary of the meeting organised to discuss international urban search and rescue response lessons learned from the 2003 Algerian earthquake.
Algeria Lessons Learned Meeting
1999: Turkey and Taipei Earthquakes Lessons Learned Meeting:
Below is the report from the Meeting of international USAR Team Leaders on Lessons Learned and follow up to the 1999 Turkey and Taipei Earthquakes.
Turkey and Taipei Earthquakes Lessons Learned Meeting