Asia Pacific Earthquake Response Exercise 2023
INSARAG Asia Pacific Earthquake Response Exercise 2023 hosted by the Australian government from 21-25 August 2023 in Brisbane, Australia. The exercise organizers were the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES), Fire and Rescue New South Wales (FRNSW), and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The objective of the exercise was to practice the INSARAG methodology with national and international responding organizations, having 330 participants from all relevant national government agencies as well as international USAR, EMT, UNDAC members, and MapAction. This exercise was designed to consist of two separate streams. The first stream is dedicated to National Response Coordination to go through the procedure of accepting international assistance, while the second stream is focused on coordination of the international response teams and activities to allow both national and international participants to practice the international deployment cycle with comprehensive and realistic scenario of Australia.
- News articles
- https://www.fire.nsw.gov.au/incident.php?record=recjTUnVZ88mDpCmL
- https://nema.gov.au/about-us/media-centre/major-earthquake-exercise-enhances-international-cooperation-220823
- http://en.nema.gov.mn/n/86234/
- https://akipress.com/news:727904:Mongolian_rescue_team_takes_part_in_exercise_on_response_to_earthquake_in_Australia/