This INSARAG Flood Response directory provides details on INSARAG classified or national USAR teams that already have capabilities and on a voluntary basis are prepared to deploy on request of affected flood ravaged countries requiring international assistance.

The intention of this Flood Response directory is to provide an overview of the different teams currently available for international deployment. This directory includes both INSARAG Externally Classified (IEC) teams as well as those teams that are not IEC classified.

This directory is open to all governmental or non-governmental/volunteer organisations involved in providing or potentially receiving international Flood Response assistance or capacity building. Inclusion in the Flood Response directory does not represent any accreditation of a team by INSARAG .

All requests for inclusion into or editing of this database should be submitted through the INSARAG country national focal point or the attached form (this needs to be updated to a flood response directory form) should be sent directly to the INSARAG secretariat at: [email protected] .

Asia-Pacific RegionTeam Factsheet
Australia, Disaster Assistance Response Team
Contact: A/Chief Superintendent Doug May
Email: [email protected]
Team Factsheet