INSARAG External Classification (IEC) and INSARAG External Reclassification (IER) Checklists for Light, Medium and Heavy USAR Teams

The IEC and IER Checklists for Light, Medium and Heavy USAR Teams were approved by the INSARAG Steering Group. It is utilized by IEC/R Classifiers during an IEC/R, and its primary purpose is to ensure that the classification is conducted in an objective manner. The checklists provide quality assurance by ensuring that all Classified teams are prepared to offer professional services, operate in a collaborative manner, and provide timely life-saving assistance to an affected population.

The IEC/R Checklists are “living documents” and are reviewed annually by the INSARAG Training Working Group. Changes to the checklists will be approved at the annual ISG meeting and disseminated to all USAR Teams through the Regional Troikas and

For more information on the Checklists, USAR Teams are encouraged to refer to Volume II, Manual C of the INSARAG Guidelines.

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