Today we are pleased to announce that EMERCOM RUS-01 USAR Team successfully passed our INSARAG reclassification as a Heavy USAR Team. The announcement was made by Dzmitry Tkachuk (Belarus) Secretariat representative and Sarah Muscroft, OCHA representative of the IER, and the Team Leader Classifier Mohamed Al Mahmoodi.

The intense 36-hour exercise was watched by the Classifier team from Oman, Malaysia, China, Turkiye, Jordan, Algeria, Belarus and Qatar

A word from our INSARAG Global Chairman

In light of the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic that affects all of us, the INSARAG network will have to jointly adopt a high degree of flexibility in order to adapt to this evolutive situation. Implementing a flexible approach in facing modern humanitarian crises, as discussed during the INSARAG 2020 Steering Group meeting, would enable the network to continue providing high quality assistance in emergency preparedness and response, to the people we serve.

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Ambassador Manuel Bessler

INSARAG Chairman